Rita Kuczynski

Curriculum Vitae – englisch


1950-63      elementary and secondary school in Berlin

1964-65      odd jobs

1965-70      student of philosophy at Universities of Leipzig and (East) Berlin

1971-75       assistant in Institute of Philosophy at Academy of Sciences, (East) Berlin

1975             Ph.D., dissertation on the philosophy of Hegel, "The Science of Logic and the Social-historical
Background of its Categorical Development"

1975-81      staff researcher, Academy of Sciences, (East) Berlin


1981-90   free-lance writer

1987          Visiting professor of philosophy and literature at State University of New York, Buffalo, New York (USA)

1991          Visiting professor of literature, Universidad de Concepción, and Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

1992         Journalist at women's media agency

1997         Free-lance journalist for Der Tagesspiegel,
Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Deutschland Radio Berlin et al.


1993     Grant for Berlin writers from Berlin Senat1994 Grant from German Kulturfonds

1995     Grant from Berlin Künstlerförderung

1995      Grant from Council for European Studies, Columbia University,
                New York, New York (USA) Grant from the departments of history and modern languages,
                State University of New York Buffalo (USA)

1998     Grant for literature from the Stiftung Preußischer Seehandlung, Berlin

2001     Visting Fellow, Writer, American Institut for Contemporary German Studies, The John Hopkins University

2001     China Times, Children's Book Award

2008     Senior Fellow,  American Institut for Contemporary German Studies, The John Hopkins University



Among numerous articles and reviews on the philosophy of Kant, Fichte and HegelPoems and Reworkings


Nächte mit Hegel. Eine poetische Vergegenwärtigung des Abstrakten, Buchverlag Der Morgen. Berlin 1984, 215 pages(Translation of the same novel into Chinese. Taiwan. 2006)Wenn ich kein Vogel wär. Buchverlag Der Morgen Berlin 1991, 258 pages; Econ Taschenbuch Verlag, 1993
Partition. Novel. atces sud. 1996 Paris. 296 pages.(Translation of the Novel Wenn ich kein Vogel wär)

Translation of the same novel into Chinese. Taiwan. 2001

Staccato. Novel. Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt, Frankfurt am Main 1997 and Taschenbuch Econ-List-Verlag, 2000. 184 pages.

Mauerblume. Autobiography. Claassen-Verlag, Munich, 1999 and Taschenbuch Econ-List-Verlag 2000. 317 pages

Die gefundene Frau. Novel. Claassen-Verlag Munich, 2001. 180 pages. (not yet released)


Die Rache der Ostdeutschen. Berlin, 2002, Parthas-Verlag,144 pagesIm Westen was Neues? Berlin 2003, Parthas-Verlag,190 pages

Ostdeutschland war nie etwas Natürliches, Berlin, 2005, , Parthas-Verlag, 308 pages


Zwischen Pankow und Zehlendorf (Eine Berliner Geschichte). Screen play based on the book Wenn ich kein Vogel wär for a co-procudtion of DEFA, Studio für Spielfilme and the Allianz-Film for Sender Freies Berlin; Premiere of theater version 1991; Premiere of TV version 1992


"Des contraintes de la liberté et des libertés de la contrainte" in: ALLEMAGNE d'aujourd'hui, Paris. 1992, pp. 68-76Ende mit Wende, Essay zum Fotoband von Stefan Moses, 58 pages. Hadjes-Verlag 1999Excerpt from an unpublished novel. Seghers-Gesellschaft Berlin and Mainz, 1995.


- Was ist ein Berg. Deutschlandsender Kultur 1992- Lacrimosa 1953. Kinderhörspiel Deutschlandsender Kultur 1993
- Sich nicht zur Unzeit begegnen. Feature, Radio Bremen 1993
- Solidarität ohne Bindung? Zur Anthropologie des Menschen im 21. Jahrhunderts. Feature. Deutschlandradio 1999
- Sich nicht zur Unzeit begegnen
- Social Philosophy at work from the Frankfurter School to the Columbia Faculty Seminars
- Essay für Joseph Meyer zum 80. Geburtstag, in Festschrift der Columbia-Universität New York, 1998 51 pages.


Occasional articles since 1998 primarily and regularly for: "Süddeutsche Zeitung" and "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung"; as well as the "Frankfurter Rundschau," the "Tagesspiegel" and "DIE ZEIT"Moderator and panelist for the series "Tacheles, the Berlin group," at Deutschland Radio Berlin, distributed by WDR.TV panels on the German national networks ARD and ZDF, and the Berlin station SFB, on the 10th anniversary of German unification, October 2000.